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Social Media

Social Media that exemplifies your brand, resonates with your audience and aligns with your values.

As with any great PR strategy, storytelling is at the heart of effective Social Media. Success lies at the convergence of thumb-stopping content, compelling stories and conversing effectively with your target audience. With the right team and sufficient resources, brands can elevate Social Media to become a captivating shop window that showcases their entire offering.

Audit and Competitor Analysis

We start by thoroughly analysing your existing digital content and digging deep into your competitors' strategies. Using this detailed data we identify what content resonates, and what doesn't, to pinpoint areas where improvements are most needed to engage with your target audience.

Social Media Strategy and Implementation

After completing the audit of your social media content and extracting insights from your competitors, we'll collaborate closely with your team to ensure that your social media strategy is in sync with your overall marketing objectives.

Our approach merges the power of storytelling with deep data analysis. We dissect your existing content and competitor strategies to identify what works and what doesn't.

If you don't have the resources in-house to implement this strategy, then hand the reins to us. We've got the tools and know-how to effectively manage the workflow of your social content to reach your audience in tandem with your content marketing goals.

Influencer Marketing and Partnerships

The social media landscape has come a long way since the term “influencer” first arrived on our feeds, and influencer marketing has become a mainstay of social media marketing to drive engagement and grow audiences with niche interests. But is influencer marketing a cost-effective way to increase your brand awareness?

We help you leverage influencer marketing effectively with our collaborative approach:

Expert Selection and Vetting Process: We identify the perfect influencers for your brand, from micro-influencers with niche followings to high-profile celebrities. When influencers approach your brand for collaborations allow us to examine their audience and engagement data to ensure they deliver results that align with your goals.

ROI-Focused Campaigns: We go beyond vanity metrics. Our strategies ensure influencer content drives brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, bookings.

Campaign Management: From invites right through to deliverables and contracts, we take this off your plate, enabling you to sit back and wait for the content and positive sentiment to flood in.

Campaign Reporting: Once your activation is complete we pull everything into a detailed report for you to see the impact of the campaign.

Group Activations: Deliver a bomb of audience growth and reach to your Instagram page, with a group of handpicked influencers that sit at the intersect of your USPs.

Long-Term Partnerships: We build lasting relationships with influencers to nurture brand ambassadors who organically promote your travel experiences.

Is your travel brand struggling with effectively marketing yourself on Social Media?

Enrol in our 8-week programme that holds the keys to your influencer and social media marketing success. Over 4 collaborative workshops we will give you all the tools needed to market your brand powerfully on social media, allowing you to upskill your team, plan your social content and host relevant influencers with guidance from the Lemongrass digital marketing experts.

Our social media services

  • Social Media Audit
    • Content Audit
    • Social Strategy
    • Social Listening and competitor benchmarking
    • Internal training and consulting for success
    • Template design and asset bank audits
  • Influencer Relations
    • Group and individual trip activation
    • Content creator/photographer engagement
    • Influencer strategy and consulting
    • Influencer vetting and negotiation
  • Content creation and implementation
  • Reporting and recommendations

Learn more

Get in touch and find out how we can supercharge your social media marketing efforts.